Image:Image Credit: Peter Whyte

A nesting module has been created by Tasmanian artist and ceramicist Jane Bamford for little penguin colonies in Emu Bay, Kangaroo Island.

The little penguins whose scientific name Eudyptula minor are a small flightless bird located in New Zealand and found along the Southern Australian coast.

The Nesting Module is currently exhibiting two penguin modules at Crafted Technology at the Jam Factory. A third module will be made onsite by artist Jane Bamford in October at the Kangaroo Island Wildlife Park Carnival.





Produced By: Tia Ewen

Featured In Story: Jane Bamford, Tasmanian artist and ceramicist, and Dr Diane Colombelli-Négrel, Lecturer in Animal Behaviour at Flinders University, Penguin Ecologist, Principal Investigator at BirdLab

First aired on The Wire, Thursday, 20 May 2021