Image:Image: Shutterstock – Patrick Thomas

The review of Tasmania’s bill to legalise Voluntary Assisted Dying (VAD) was released Februrary 23rd, making few suggested amendments to take into account when the proposal returns to the House of Assembly in March. A panel from the University of Tasmania concluded that the main areas to address concerned the safeguards for those that might be made vulnerable should VAD become lawful.

VAD laws are likely to come into affect this year, passing both the Lower and Upper house with majority support from all major parties and members last December.

Initial proposal maker and Independent Member of the Legislative Council; Mike Gaffney, reflects on the development of the processes taken thus far, and why opposing religious groups should not influence policy making.

Produced By: Jarred Cross

Featured In Story: Mike Gaffney MLC – Independant

First aired on The Wire, Tuesday, 23rd February 2021