June 20th marked Would Refugee Day, a time to celebrate and honour people refugees but also shine a light towards the importance of healthcare.

The Royal Australia College for General Practitioners emphasise the importance of prioritising the health and well-being of refugees and asylum seekers in Australia, urging for collaborative efforts and increased awareness of mental health issues among this vulnerable population.

Further action is necessary to enhance the support for the health and mental well-being of refugees in Australia.

The Centre for Migrant and Refugee Health (CMRH) focuses on improving mental health and well-being for migrants, refugees, and asylum seekers in Australia.

Emphasising the current cost of living and housing crisis has impacted the mental health of newly migrated refugees.


Image: Image credit: Unsplash

Produced By: Moemina Shukur

Featured In Story: Dr Bruce Willet – Vice President of RACGP , and Mobar Chadhual – President of The Centre for Migrant and Refugee Health

First aired on The Wire, Tuesday, 20 June 2023